
How to Know If You’re Dealing with Coronavirus or Seasonal Allergies

Nowadays, cough and cold can be very confusing. People find it difficult to understand whether the symptoms are of coronavirus or due to seasonal allergies. If you have been suffering from allergies for a long time, you must be aware of the signs, such as sinus pressure, itchy skin, watery eyes, and congestion. But the COVID-19 outbreak has made it difficult for an outsider to understand what are you exactly suffering from.

Symptoms of seasonal allergies are very much similar to the symptoms of COVID-19.  In this post, we have shared some important aspects that will help you differentiate between allergy and coronavirus symptoms. What is the right time to consult a doctor?

Coronavirus and Allergy Symptoms: An Overlap

At this time when the COVID-19 pandemic is happening again, people are falling sick. It can be due to the changing weather as well, which makes it a challenging task to exactly know what your body is going through.

Get a good idea of coronavirus symptoms and seasonal allergies.

Here are some common symptoms for the coronavirus listed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

  • Coughing
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Muscle pain
  • New loss of smell or taste

Have a look at common seasonal allergy symptoms:

  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Fatigue
  • A runny or stuffy nose
  • Red or watery eyes
  • Swollen, discolored under-eye skin
  • Itching in the mouth, throat, eyes, or nose

These are the common signs as Coronavirus is still under study. Also, sooner or later our experts are discovering many more new signs such as nausea. But it is better to have a good understanding of the most common symptoms.

Let's Differentiate Between the Coronavirus and Allergies

Fever: Fever and signs of chills (shaking) are the signs of COVID-19 and not a seasonal allergy. As per some studies and expert statements, “You should not get a fever with allergies”. The fever might happen due to various reasons. Your body might be attempting to kill pathogens. Or, the rise in the temperature might also trigger your immune system to make more white blood cells and antibodies to fight unwanted diseases. Fever with the allergy can also be considered an infection.

Itchiness: In response to trigger an allergy, the body’s immune system releases chemicals that cause itching. These chemicals are released during allergic reactions such as pollen, food, latex, and medications. With itching, the brain passes the message to scratch the area and remove parasites from the skin.

No one can better understand what the person is feeling except that one who is suffering from it. If you had an allergy in the past, it will be much easier for you to identify the real cause of these signs you’re experiencing. If the symptoms are new and quite different from the ones you faced earlier, it is better to consult your nearby doctor for better advice. There are other online platforms available as well that can help you communicate from your home to discuss your condition and its symptoms. For online counseling sessions, connect with Nature and Cure.

Also, there are chances that the person might be dealing with both allergy symptoms and COVID-19 conditions.

What to do if the symptoms are of Seasonal Allergies?

Allergy varies from person to person. If your allergies are severe, then the only way to keep yourself safe is to stay away from factors that trigger your allergy.

Due to pandemic, many of us are staying at homes and have kept ourselves safe from any such factor that might trigger your condition. But in some cases, people are still moving out of their homes for work and to earn a living. Also, to carry out small household requirements, such as buying food products, milk, or daily essential needs one has to walk out of the house.

We can’t stop any of you but can suggest precautions that must be taken care of, especially when you have undergone allergy in the past. Remove shoes outside while entering the home, wash your clothes, and take shower before bed so that if any attached symptom-causing particles are stuck to your clothes, shoes, or body get washed away. Try keeping the windows of your home and car closed to minimize tracking allergens indoors.

Follow your prescribed medication, eye drops for itchiness, steroid nasal sprays, and any other information recommended by your doctor or consultant. If you are an asthma patient take proper care as if you face seasonal allergy and asthma both, then chances of an asthma attack are high.

There are also alternative treatments for hay fever. If you want to learn more about the Naturopathy approach and how it helps deal with seasonal allergies, make a visit.

Seasonal Allergy symptoms can be uncomfortable yet can be avoided and taken care of during these hard times as well.

What to do if the symptoms are of Coronavirus?

Immediately, visit your nearby doctor or medical professional or call for COVID-19 hotline to inform you about your symptoms and get advice on the next step. As per your condition, be prepared for further steps like testing and treatment.

If the results are positive, do not panic. We have noticed a good recovery rate in the past. You can also overcome COVID-19 by following a strict naturopathy diet or taking care of yourself. Stay in your room and avoid getting in contact with other members near you. COVID-19 had a bad impact on our lives but with the passing time, we have realized we can overcome it by following guidelines and taking care of our health.


If you feel your allergy is getting out of control or the covid-19 symptoms are making you crazy, book an online counseling session to get a clear idea of your current state.

There is no need to panic in both cases. Proper diet, regular exercise, taking proper precautions can help you keep fit and healthy.


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